January 14, 2024
Mark Your Calendars!
January 20: Holiday| Martin Luther King Jr. Day (offices closed-no school)
January 24: PTA Bingo Night, 6 pm
January 28: End of Second Quarter
January 29: Teacher Workday (no school)
February 12: PTA General Meeting, 7 pm
February 17: Holiday| Washington’s Birthday and President’s Day (offices closed-no school)
February 20: Aldrin Literacy Night
February 21: Skate Night
March 7: PTA Sixth Grade Basketball Aldrin v Armstrong Basketball Game, 6 pm Herndon High School Gym
March 11: PTA General Meeting, 7 pm
March 17: 3-hour Early Release Monday (1:05 pm dismissal)
March 28: End of Third Quarter
March 31: Holiday| Eid al-Fitr (offices closed-no school)
April 1: Student Holiday|Teacher Workday (no school)
April 9: PTA General Meeting, 7 pm
April 14 - 18: Holidays| Spring Break (offices closed- no school)
April 28: 3-hour Early Release Monday (dismissal at 1:05 pm)