March Observances - Learn More

**National Women's History Month

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions to American history.
Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids.
Mes Nacional de la Historia de la Mujer
Todos los años, Marzo es designado Mes de la Historia de la Mujer por proclamación presidencial. El mes se reserva para honrar las contribuciones de las mujeres en la historia Americana. Aprenda más sobre los meses de herencia, celebraciones, y tradiciones celebradas en FCPS. Lea más sobre el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer en National Geographic Kids.
전국 여성 역사의 달
해마다 3월은 대통령 선언에 의해 여성 역사의 달로 지정됩니다. 이달은 미국 역사에서 여성의 공헌을 기리기 위해 정해졌습니다. FCPS에서 기념하는 유산의 달, 기념일, 전통에 대해 자세히 알아보세요. 내셔널 지오그래픽 키즈에서 여성 역사의 달을 소개하였습니다. 자세히 알아보십시오.
**Equity in Education Month

FCPS — in conjunction with the Virginia School Boards Association — observes March as Equity in Education Month, a division-wide opportunity to deepen our commitment to creating a climate and curriculum where all students receive the resources they need to reach their fullest potential.
Mes de la Equidad en la Educación
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Fairfax (FCPS) — junto con la Asociación de Juntas Escolares de Virginia — celebran Marzo como el Mes de la Equidad en la Educación, una oportunidad para toda la división de profundizar nuestro compromiso de crear un clima y un plan de estudios donde todos los estudiantes reciban los recursos que necesitan para alcanzar su máximo potencial.
평등 교육의 달
페어팩스 카운티 공립학교 (FCPS)는 버지니아 교육위원회 협회와 함께 3월을 평등 교육의 달로 지정하였습니다. 이달은 교육구 전역에서 모든 학생이 자신의 잠재력을 최고로 끌어올릴 수 있는 환경과 커리큘럼을 강화할 기회이기도 합니다.
**National Developmental Disability Awareness Month
**Celebrating Arts in Our Schools

Spanish: Celebración de las Artes en Nuestras Escuelas
Korean: 우리 학교들의 미술 작품들을 기념하기
- The Council for Art Education (CFAE) administers Youth Art Month. Youth Art Month encourages support for quality school art programs, and promotes art material safety. The program provides a medium for recognizing skills developed through visual arts experiences unlike any other curriculum subjects, including:
- Problem solving
- Creativity
- Observation
- Communication
Art shows, special exhibits, fundraisers, and school and community activities take place annually, traditionally during March, to celebrate visual art education for grades K-12.
March has also been designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) for the observance of Music In Our Schools Month® (MIOSM®), the time of year when music education becomes the focus of schools across the nation. The purpose of MIOSM is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children – and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music. MIOSM is an opportunity for music teachers to bring their music programs to the attention of the school and the community, and to display the benefits that school music brings to students of all ages.
Theatre In Our Schools (TIOS) is a celebration of theatre in our schools and schools in our theatres. Sponsored by the American Alliance for Theatre & Education (AATE) and the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA), the goals of TIOS are to raise public awareness of the impact of theatre education and draw attention to the need for more access to quality programs in and out of school for all students. While TIOS presentations and advocacy may happen anytime in schools, theatres, and other public spaces, AATE and EdTA will recognize and promote March as the official Theatre In Our Schools month.
**National Nutrition Moth

National Nutrition Month® is an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.
Mes Nacional de la Nutrición
El Mes Nacional de la Nutrición® es una campaña anual creada por la Academia de Nutrición y Dietética. Durante el mes de Marzo, se invita a todo el mundo a aprender a elegir los alimentos con conocimiento de causa y a desarrollar hábitos saludables de alimentación y actividad física..
전국 영양의 달
미국 영양의 달®은 미국 영양 및 식이요법 학회에서 만든 연례 캠페인입니다. 3월 한 달 동안 모든 사람이 올바른 정보에 입각한 식품 선택과 건강한 식습관 및 신체 활동 습관과 관련한 개발에 대해 배울 수 있도록 초대합니다.
March 3 - Read Across America Day (Observed, March 1)
March 3-7 - Read Across America Week
March 2-8 - National School Social Work Week
March 4-8 - National School Breakfast Week
March 5 - Ash Wednesday
March 9 - Daylight Savings Begins (Spring Ahead)
March 14 - Pi Day
March 20 - Nowruz
March 28 - Quarter Ends