Aldrin CODE of Conduct - Digital Citizenship Expectations

Student Code of Conduct in Distance Learning Environment - VIDEO

Although our learning environment is virtual, the standards of behavior are as important as they are within our physical classrooms at Aldrin Elementary. Our virtual classrooms are real classrooms with real teachers and students; therefore, appropriate student behavior is expected. To promote the understanding of Aldrin ES students regarding how to behave in an online environment, we have developed a code of conduct that all students are expected to follow. In addition to the Students Rights & Responsibilities Handbook (SR&R), this guidance addresses student interaction with Aldrin ES staff and students, as well as student individual actions. 

Student Interactions with Teachers and Other Aldrin ES Staff

  1. Students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct and be good digital citizens.
  2. Students should address all Aldrin ES staff members as adults with the courtesy expected for education professionals. 
  3. Students should phrase communication with Aldrin ES staff in a polite and courteous manner appropriate for speaking to adults. The tone of emails, virtual classes, and phone conversations must be respectful. 
  4. Students should communicate with teachers via email, live lessons, or office hours. 
  5. The integrity and authenticity of student work is something we take seriously and check using a variety of technologies. Copying the work of others, allowing others to knowingly copy a student’s work, and/or misusing content is prohibited. 
  6. Students are not to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language or images in any communications with other Aldrin ES students or staff. These actions are prohibited and may result in temporary removal from the virtual learning environment. 

Disciplinary Action 

Aldrin ES School Administrators will initiate the following procedure for inappropriate behavior in any virtual learning environment.  

  1. A student may be temporarily removed by staff if a student violates Aldrin ES Student Code of Conduct in the virtual learning environment. 
  2. The parent(s) or adult caregiver(s) of any student shall be notified if a student is removed from the virtual environment. The teacher will report all violations to school administration. 
  3. Any additional violations of Aldrin ES code of conduct or SR&R may result in additional disciplinary actions. Families should contact their school administrator with questions or concerns. 

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