Preschool/Preschool Autism Class Supply List

ALDRIN ELEMENTARY Preschool/Preschool Autism Class (PAC) (AM or PM) Supply List

3    Kleenex Tissues 2-ply 125ct
3    Paper Towels 2 Ply 36ct
2    Baby Wipes Unscented Soft Pack 80ct
3    Hand Soap Liquid w/ Pump 7.5oz
3    Clorox Disinfecting Wipes 35ct
1   Print & Copy Paper, 8.5" x 11", 500ct
1    Zipper Bags, Gallon 19 count

NOTE:  While certain brand names are recommended on this list, there is no requirement that the brand name be purchased.  Different brand name items, similar in quality to the recommended brand names, may be substituted. 

Please put your child's name on the backpack.


Some school supplies may need to be replenished later in the school year.

If you need financial assistance to purchase school supplies, email Principal Wolfe at @email or School Counselor at 

@email .