Buzz Aldrin Talks Mars on Visit to Aldrin Elementary
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin of the Gemini 12 and Apollo XI programs and one of the first men to walk on the Moon, recently paid a visit to his namesake school Aldrin Elementary. Aldrin was in town to attend the Humans to Mars Summit and present to the Aldrin students, as the next generation of space explorers, a gigantic map of Mars. He presented a brief biography as well as his thoughts and hopes for future travel to Mars to the students. Aldrin then invited representatives from each grade level to share their thoughts about space exploration and what it would mean to travel to Mars for an emerging program. Aldrin STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) resource teacher Jackie Wheeler, school-based technology specialist Eve Davies, and principal Shane Wolfe practiced printing items on a new 3D printer including a special bracelet for Aldrin. Contact news liaison Lesley Aschenbach at [email protected].