Newsletter May 17, 2024

By Aldrin ES
For Parents
May 04, 2024
decorative Aldrin A and Eagle with heart supplies

Dear Aldrin Families,

What a Week at Aldrin! We're bursting with excitement to share some incredible news from our school community.

Glow Run Shines Bright!

A huge Aldrin THANK YOU to all our amazing students and parents who participated in the recent Glow Run! Your energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to this event were truly inspiring. And guess what? Thanks to your incredible participation, we surpassed our fundraising goal of $20,000! This means…I amgetting slimed! Stay tuned for more information about the epic sliming ceremony coming soon! 

A PTA Powerhouse!

We can't express enough gratitude to our dedicated PTA and all the volunteer parents who poured their hearts into making the Glow Run a tremendous success. From planning and organization to cheering on runners, your efforts were instrumental in creating a day to remember.

Attendance on the Rise!

We're thrilled to announce a significant improvement in student attendance! Thanks to your commitment to getting your children to school each day, our chronic absenteeism rate has dropped from 20% to a fantastic 9.5%. Excellent work, Aldrin families! Remember, regular attendance is crucial for student success, and we appreciate your dedication to their learning journey.

Staff Appreciation Week: A Week of Thanks!

A warm thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who made Staff Appreciation Week so special for our incredible teachers and staff. Your generosity and thoughtful gestures brought smiles and joy to the entire Aldrin team. We couldn't do it without you!

Stay Connected!

We'll keep you updated on all the exciting things happening at Aldrin. Be sure to follow us on social media for upcoming events and announcements.

Together, we continue to make Aldrin a place where we live by our mission:  Every Student.  Every Day.  Whatever It Takes.


Shane and Barbara

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