December 12, 2024
Mark Your Calendars!
December 18: Region 1 Boundary Meeting, Madison High School Cafeteria, 6:30 pm
December 19: Winter Concert (Band, Orchestra, Chorus) 6 pm
December 23- Jan 3: Winter Vacation (no school)
January 6: Return to school
January 14: General PTA Meeting, 7 pm
January 20: Holiday| Martin Luther King Jr. Day (offices closed-no school)
January 24: PTA Bingo Night, 6 pm
January 28: End of Second Quarter
January 29: Teacher Workday (no school)
February 12: PTA General Meeting, 7 pm
February 17: Holiday| Washington’s Birthday and President’s Day (offices closed-no school)
February 20: Aldrin Literacy Night
March 7: PTA Sixth Grade Basketball Aldrin v Armstrong Basketball Game, 6 pm Herndon High School Gym
March 11: PTA General Meeting, 7 pm
March 17: 3-hour Early Release Monday (1:05 pm dismissal)
March 28: End of Third Quarter
March 31: Holiday| Eid al-Fitr (offices closed-no school)
April 1: Student Holiday|Teacher Workday (no school)
April 9: PTA General Meeting, 7 pm
April 14 - 18: Holidays| Spring Break (offices closed- no school)
April 28: 3-hour Early Release Monday (dismissal at 1:05 pm)
Table of Contents
Winter Break (Student Holiday)
Update on Potential Changes to Middle School Start Times (All Grades)
Food Assistance and Resource Guide (All Grades)
Bundle Up With Books Over Break (All Grades)
Medical Accommodations in the Cafeteria (All Grades)
Fall Social and Emotional Screener Results (Grades 3-6)
Boundary Review Community Meeting (All Grades)
Services for Hearing-Impaired and Visually-Impaired Students (All Grades)
Tutoring Resources for Families (All Grades)
Winter Coats Needed! (All Grades)
HoneyBaked Ham Gift Card Fundraiser (All Grades)
PTA Membership Drive (All Grades)
PTA Volunteer Leaders Needed! (All Grades)
PTA Holiday Fundraiser (All Grades)