Aldrin Elementary School
November 26, 2024
Mark Your Calendars!
November 27-29: Holidays | Thanksgiving Break (offices closed-no school)
December 4: Picture Retakes, 6th Grade Panoramic
December 9: 3-Hour Early Release Monday
December 18: Region 1 Boundary Meeting, Madison High School Cafeteria, 6:30 pm
December 19: Winter Concert (Band, Orchestra, Chorus)
December 23- Jan 3: Winter Vacation (no school)
January 6: Return to school
January 14: General PTA Meeting, 7 pm
January 20: Holiday| Martin Luther King Jr. Day (offices closed-no school)
January 24: PTA Bingo Night
January 28: End of Second Quarter
January 29: Teacher Workday (no school)
Table of Contents
Native American Heritage Month
Medical Accommodations in the Cafeteria (All Grades)
Weather Cancellation Procedures (All Grades)
Safety Considerations for Kiss n Ride and Walkers (All Grades)
Impact Aid Survey (All Grades)
Fall Social and Emotional Screener Results Coming Soon (Grades 3-6)
Boundary Review Community Meeting (All Grades)
Services for Hearing-Impaired and Visually-Impaired Students (All Grades)
Tutoring Resources for Families (All Grades)
Winter Coats Needed! (All Grades)
PTA Holiday Fundraiser (All Grades)