Constitution Day

Add to Calendar 2024-09-17 00:00:00 2024-09-17 23:59:00 America/New_York Constitution Day decoration - constitution day with image of constitution and flag

Constitution Day, also known as Citizenship Day, is a holiday that recognizes the adoption of the U.S. Constitution and honors all of those who are citizens, as well as those who have become citizens of the United States. It is observed on September 17, the day on which the constitution was adopted in 1787.

Día de la Constitución
El Día de la Constitución, también conocido como el Día de la Ciudadanía, es un día festivo que reconoce la adopción de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos y honra a todos aquellos que son ciudadanos, así como a los que se han convertido en ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos. Se celebra el 17 de septiembre, el día en que se aprobó la Constitución en 1787.

제헌절 혹은 시민권의 날이라고도 알려진 헌법의 날은 미국 헌법의 채택을 인정하고 시민인 모든 사람들과 미국 시민이 된 사람들을 기리는 휴일입니다 (9월 17일). 1787년에 헌법안이 채택되었습니다. 

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decoration - constitution day with image of constitution and flag

Constitution Day, also known as Citizenship Day, is a holiday that recognizes the adoption of the U.S. Constitution and honors all of those who are citizens, as well as those who have become citizens of the United States. It is observed on September 17, the day on which the constitution was adopted in 1787.

Día de la Constitución
El Día de la Constitución, también conocido como el Día de la Ciudadanía, es un día festivo que reconoce la adopción de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos y honra a todos aquellos que son ciudadanos, así como a los que se han convertido en ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos. Se celebra el 17 de septiembre, el día en que se aprobó la Constitución en 1787.

제헌절 혹은 시민권의 날이라고도 알려진 헌법의 날은 미국 헌법의 채택을 인정하고 시민인 모든 사람들과 미국 시민이 된 사람들을 기리는 휴일입니다 (9월 17일). 1787년에 헌법안이 채택되었습니다.