Kindergarten Registration/Orientation - April 1

Welcome to Our New Aldrin Eagles. We Can't Wait To Meet You!

We're excited to welcome our newest Eagles to Aldrin Elementary School! Looking for information about registering for kindergarten?

Welcome to our fall 2025 Kindergarten students and parents.  We are excited to invite you to our Kindergarten Orientation for the 2025-2026 school year.

Please join us on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, starting at 11:00 a.m.

There will be a 30-minute introduction of principals, staff, and announcements in the cafeteria.

Parents will be given time to register and ask questions while children go with a Kindergarten teacher to meet our Specialists and staff - Music, Art, PE, Library, and visit the Kindergarten Pod. 

We are excited to see everyone very soon.  Welcome Eagles!!

It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives. Fairfax County public schools typically conduct kindergarten registration events—including orientation—in the Spring during March or April. Eligible children can also be registered throughout the summer, but registering your child early helps schools prepare and ensure they have the teachers and resources on hand that they need on the first day of school. 

After determining which school their child will attend, families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms, details can be found on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage. FCPS offers support and resources for all families to help with registration and the transition to kindergarten. For support in other languages, visit the kindergarten registration webpage.

¡Es el Momento de Inscribirse para el Kindergarten!

Asistir al kindergarten ofrece a los niños la oportunidad de aprender y practicar las habilidades sociales, emocionales, de resolución de problemas y de autorregulación esenciales que usarán durante toda su vida. Las escuelas públicas del Condado de Fairfax normalmente llevan a cabo eventos de inscripción para kindergarten-incluyendo orientación-en la primavera durante Marzo o Abril. Los niños elegibles también pueden inscribirse durante el verano, pero inscribir a su hijo temprano ayuda a las escuelas a prepararse y asegurarse de que tengan a mano los maestros y recursos que necesitan el primer día de clases. 


Después de determinar a qué escuela asistirá su hijo, las familias deben prepararse para la inscripción reuniendo documentos y completando formularios, los detalles se pueden encontrar en la página web de inscripción de kindergarten de FCPS. FCPS ofrece apoyo y recursos para todas las familias para ayudar con la inscripción y la transición al kindergarten. Para apoyo en otros idiomas, visite la página web de inscripción de kindergarten.


킨더가든(유치원) 등록 시간입니다!

킨더가든에 다니는 것은 아이들이 평생 사용할 필수적인 사회적, 정서적, 문제 해결 및 자기 조절 기술을 배우고 연습할 기회를 제공합니다. 페어팩스 카운티 공립학교는 일반적으로 3월 또는 4월 봄에 오리엔테이션을 포함한 킨더가든 등록 행사를 실시합니다. 대상 아동은 여름 내내 등록할 수도 있지만, 자녀를 일찍 등록하면 학교가 개학 첫날에 필요한 교사와 자원을 준비하고 확보하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 


자녀가 다닐 학교를 결정한 후에는 가족은 서류 준비와 양식 작성을 통해 등록을 준비해야 하며 자세한 내용은 FCPS 킨더가든 등록 웹페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다. FCPS는 모든 가정에 등록과 유치원 진학에 도움이 되는 지원과 자료를 제공합니다. 다른 언어로 된 지원은 유치원 킨더가든 웹페이지를 방문하십시오. 

🏫 Helping Your Child Prepare for Kindergarten

We recognize that parents are their children’s first teachers. Explore the resources on FCPS’ School Readiness and Transition to Kindergarten webpage for ways to help ensure your child starts kindergarten with confidence. 


🏫Ayude a su Niño a Prepararse para el Kindergarten

Las FCPS reconocen que los padres son los primeros maestros de sus hijos. Los recursos disponibles en la página web de Preparación para la Escuela y Transición a Kindergarten, les ofrecen a los padres formas de apoyar a sus niños para que tengan una transición exitosa a kindergarten.